Below are resources for the rank of Wolf.
These resources can be used to help you learn the skill or knowledge 
so that you are able to practice to be signed off on completion.

Wolf 30 Day Challenge
Wolf Adventures

Things to do with your Wolf Scout while practicing social distancing (Make sure you let your den leader or pack advancement chair know what you’ve done so it can be recorded in your Scout’s advancement record):

  1. Plan and do an outdoor an outdoor activity.  Before you go, discuss possible weather changes that could happen while you are out according to the time of year.  Have your scout tell you how s/he will prepare for each one.  While on your outing, have your scout identify 4 different types of animals they see or explain evidence of their presence and tell how they identified them. Have your Scout identify 3 shapes they see in nature.  (Satisfies Call of the Wild #’s 2 & 6; Code of the Wolf #2a)
  2. Go on a 1-mile hike.  Have your scout prepare the Cub Scout 6 Essentials before you leave (A healthy snack, water, whistle, sunscreen, simple first aid kit, and flashlight).  Have your scout select and wear the appropriate clothing to wear based on the expected weather.  Have your scout recite the Outdoor Code and the Leave No Trace Principles.  While on the hike, identify 2 birds, insects, or animals that live in your area and explain how they identified them.  Find 2 interesting things they have never seen before.  When you return, have them discuss how they showed respect for wildlife. (Satisfies Paws on the Path #’s 1, 3, 4, 5, & 6)
  3. Get moving!  Ask your Scout what it means to be physically fit and what things they can do to stay in shape.  Play catch with your Scout who is standing 5 steps away from you. Play until they can throw and catch successfully at this distance. Take a step back and see if they can improve their throwing and catching skills.  Have them practice balancing as they walk forward, backward, and sideways. Have them practice flexibility and balance by doing a front roll, a back roll, and a frog stand. Play a sport or game as a family with your Scout showing good sportsmanship. Have them do at least two of the following: frog leap, inchworm walk, kangaroo hop, or crab walk.  Have your Scout help you plan a healthy menu for a meal for your family. Make a shopping list of the food used to prepare the meal (they only need to make the shopping list – they don’t need to do the shopping). (Satisfies the following: Paws of Skill #1; all requirements for Running With the Pack)
  4. Help your Scout earn or refresh their Cyber Chip at
  5. Discuss with your Scout what it means to do your duty to God. Ask them how they do their duty to God in their daily life. Have your Scout offer a prayer, meditation, or reflection with the family (Asking them to say grace is one idea). Look online for a story about people or groups of people who came to America to enjoy religious freedom and have them read it.  Teach them a song that could be sung in reverence before or after meals or one that gives encouragement, reminds them how to show reverence, or demonstrates their duty to God. (Satisfies requirements for Duty to God Footsteps)
  6. Craft Time! Help them make a paper airplane and fly it five times. Try to make it fly farther by altering its shape. Fly it at least five more times to see if your changes were effective. Create and fly three different types of paper airplanes. Before launching them, record which one you believe will travel the farthest and what property of the plane leads you to make that prediction. Make a paper airplane catapult. Before launching a plane, record how far you believe it will travel and explain what information you used to make this prediction. After you make your prediction, launch the plane and measure how far it flies. Make a kite using household materials. Discuss with your Scout the rules for safely flying kites then go fly their kite. Have them draw or paint a picture two different ways: Draw or paint it once the way you usually would and then again by using a blindfold.  Help them make an edible fossil layer snack and ask them how it’s a good model for the formation of fossils (then enjoy the treat!).  (Satisfies Air of the Wolf #’s 1a & 2d; Motor Away #’s 1a & 1b; Cubs Who Care #5; Digging in the Past #4)